Open Your Door with Peace of Mind

Why Choose 907 Home Inspections?

Benjamin Hornak
Your Trusted Inspector

I moved to Alaska from Colorado in 1983, and have loved everything about our great state ever since. I grew up around construction with my first experience coming from an addition and a covered porch being added on a childhood home by my father. In high school, my parents decided to build their dream home out of pocket. I was involved with every aspect from my hand prints being in the foundation to framing, pulling wire, plumbing, drywall, finishing, painting, flooring, etc.

Professionally, I worked in various aspects of residential construction until 2011, which is when I received my real estate license. As a REALTOR®, I have been involved with hundreds of home inspections and I realized a need for more inspectors in Alaska to meet the needs of the buyers and sellers. In 2018 I graduated from the Professional Home Inspector’s Institute® and became a member of ASHI®, the American Society of Home Inspectors.

I look forward to helping you through the real estate process by sharing my knowledge and educating you about your home while protecting your investment for the future.

It is our goal at 907 Home Inspections that you Open Your Door with Peace of Mind.

Thank you for your business!

  • We have the tools

    We use cutting edge and most up to date and technically advanced tools.

  • Competitive Pricing

    You’ll get a high-quality inspection for the money you spend.

  • Follow-up Support

    We make ourselves available 24/7 for any questions you might have.

Inspecting with CONFIDENCE

150+ Point


50+ Images





Of Items Inspected